Listing your first product

To sell a product in the Sizzle Marketplace, you must first create a product listing. Sizzle offers you the option of listing your products manually one at a time, or uploading your products in large batches using our bulk uploading inventory management.

What you need to start listing products

Here’s some of the important information that goes into each product listing:

  • SKU
  • Product title
  • Product description and bullet points
  • Product images
  • Search terms and relevant keywords

FAQ: What are restricted product categories?

It is important that customers are able to shop with confidence in Sizzle, which is why some product categories (like certain grocery or automotive products) are known as “restricted product categories.” Sizzle might require performance checks, additional fees, and other qualifications in order for you to sell certain brands or list items within restricted categories. You’ll be able to request approval from within your Sizzle Dashboard.

Successful listing = Successful launch

Following best practices for adding listings can have a big impact on their success. Make it easy for shoppers to find your offers by adding descriptive titles, clear images, and concise feature bullets to your items. Avoid these things that could negatively impact your launch:

Variation issues

Products that vary only by color, scent, or size might be a good candidate for listing as variations. Ask yourself if the customer would expect to find the products together on the same page. If not, list them separately.

Image compliance

Your images must be at least 500 x 500 pixels (increase the size to 1,000 x 1,000 for high-quality listings) and set against a plain white background. The product should fill at least 80% of the image area.

Product IDs

Make sure you’re meeting the requirements for product UPCs and GTINs (Global Trade Item Number). Consistency in these codes helps promote confidence in the range of products shown in the Amazon catalog.

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